Sunday, July 10, 2016

The Wonderful World of Reddit

Though much of the popular content we might skim over on "The Front Page of The Internet" is silly, distracting, or just plain bizarre, Reddit truly does have something for everyone, if you know where to look. I always look forward to the IAmA posts. It works well for the purposes of this class. If you're not familiar with the IAmA concept, it works pretty much like this: A celebrity or professional with an interesting job or career answers questions posted by Reddit users, live, for several hours answering as many as they can. Users can ask anything and often control the direction in which the conversation flows, and the expert answering questions provides a deeper look into what it is that they do. At the end of the day, these "ProdUsers" and the Reddit community at large gain a greater understanding of what its like to be in that person's shoes. I find this incredible. 

Local subreddits are also some of my favorite. New City? Not sure where to start? try /r/Tallahassee. Most places with a decent population have a similar subreddit. 

For this class, I decided to dig a bit deeper and discovered there are several groups the FSU ISLT community may find useful. I joined /r/instructionaldesign. And as you can see, instructional design folks are in on the IAmA craze too! 

These pages geared toward instructional design professionals seem to function similarly to the groups I have joined on LinkedIn, with users contributing everything from job advice, commentary on the industry at large, people asking about career transitions, and tutorials on using various instructional design tools. 

I could see myself integrating this site into an instructional setting either for distance learners working on a group project so they could potentially receive feedback from someone other than their instructor and fellow classmates, or for in person instruction, where the task would be to promote the use of Open Educational Resources. 


  1. Wow, thanks for posting this Kahla! I had no idea that Reddit was used this way, I explored it a tiny bit this week but this makes me want to take a second look. Thanks again!

  2. I had no idea that I could find this kind of good stuff at Reddit. I honestly explored it in our first week, and I had a bad impression. But now you really convinced me to give another try. I'm excited to see if I can find a good IAmA. Thank for sharing.
