Thursday, August 4, 2016

Where Do You Blog From?

It is currently a dreary, rainy day here. So much for natural lighting!
I was reading Stephanie's Blog earlier this week. She did not want to miss out on the true blogger experience, and shared her experience at All Saints with us (Thanks Stephanie!) Dr. Dennen mentioned it might be fun to share where we blog from. I was not able to attend the Starbucks meet up so I thought I would share a bit about my blogging atmosphere with you here! 
For the most part, I've split my blogging between two locations this semester. 
This is my home work station, featuring lots of paper all over the place, and candle. Dig the ambiance. 

They have a lot of books!
And this is...the only picture I have from my significant other's family library/ office work station at Pensacola beach. I've been doing a lot of driving between Pensacola and Tallahassee this summer. I will say that traveling and blogging is stressful, but a quiet, well-lit space with large windows and great views does help tremendously!
I've been trying to improve my blog's formula this week, and have been paying attention to things like the appearance to mobile readers. This is what my blog looks like to those on mobile devices. I know a lot of us are traveling this semester, and I hope to make the mobile experience as user-friendly as possible. 

Dr. Dennen pointed out that a lot of great blogs have a solid formula, and I haven't quiet found mine yet. So I'm still doing a bit of experimenting. This week, I visited 
in search of widgets that would be fun for readers. I settled on a new Pokedex widget (timely?) and added a wikipedia search bar  widget too. 

What interactive elements have worked for you over the course of the semester? How have you focused on the user experience? Are widgets something you incorporate to expand the educational aspect of your blog, or just something you use to keep it light and fun?


  1. I put in my Twitter feed. My background is busy so I didn't want too much happening. I tried adding my Pinterest but the meta command never worked and I couldn't find a solution in any of the Pinterest forums. One user said Pinterest had to be in its previous iteration for it to work. I blog from home and from my favorite coffee shops. I did one at Power Plant as Cascades. I felt like a real blogger then.

  2. Enjoyed your post. I add two widgets to my blog -- the #eme6414 Twitter feed and the Pinterest board I created for the knowledge sharing project. I attempted to add my personal Twitter feed, but my blog started feeling too crowded, so I removed it. I have a number of different blog spots -- my office, my home, Panera, and Newk's. Any time the blog bug bites me, I get to it wherever I may be.

  3. I still have to do my "where do I blog from" post. I wanted to do it today, but it was cleaning lady day and so I couldn't be in my blogging room until evening. It's much better to take a photo during the day. Maybe tomorrow. I agree with you, a pleasant view makes a difference.
